Multifamily Syndication Advantage: Principal Pay down

Multifamily Syndication Advantage: Principal Pay down

So let’s talk about multifamily syndication advantages, and specifically principal pay down and what does this mean. Our typical multifamily syndication, a syndicator or a sponsor, meaning the person that’s putting the whole project together, will raise...
Quarterly Distribution Checks

Quarterly Distribution Checks

I wish I had a handful of checks of 30 or 50 checks in my hand. It makes a great visual. I see a lot of other apartment syndicators doing that, but I don’t so I’ll just give you a thumbs-up. The checks represent the quarterly distributions we send out to...
Multifamily Syndication Advantage: Risk Reduction

Multifamily Syndication Advantage: Risk Reduction

Risk reduction is a big multi-family syndication advantage that we have. A syndication by definition means that we’ve got a number of investors pooling capital. So, through a syndication, an investor can have access to a high quality, institutional grade...
Multifamily Syndication Advantage: Tax Advantages

Multifamily Syndication Advantage: Tax Advantages

Multifamily Syndication Advantage. Let’s talk about tax advantages. Of course the requisite disclaimer here. I am not a CPA nor an attorney. I’m just sharing some of my experiences with you. I strongly encourage you to seek the advice of your CPA and your...
Multifamily Syndication Advantage: Cash Distributions

Multifamily Syndication Advantage: Cash Distributions

I want to talk about team versus deal, and this is specific to a multifamily investment where we’re going in and pooling capital from a bunch of investors. Let’s say you’ve got 20, 30 investors on a project. You go out and buy a building in order to...
Team vs Deal

Team vs Deal

I want to talk about team versus deal, and this is specific to a multifamily investment where we’re going in and pooling capital from a bunch of investors. Let’s say you’ve got 20, 30 investors on a project. You go out and buy a building in order to...
5 Advantages of Real Estate Investing

5 Advantages of Real Estate Investing

Let’s talk about five real estate advantages as an investment vehicle versus other investment vehicles out there. The first one is cashflow. When done right, real estate can produce cashflow on a monthly or quarterly basis back to you, real money that you can...
Single Family vs Multifamily Investing

Single Family vs Multifamily Investing

Okay let’s talk about single family, versus multi-family. I abbreviated these here for the sake of space on my white board. One of my favorite topics. Single family investing, versus multi-family investing. I’ve done well over 100 single family investment...